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Amazon & Ebay Photo Editing Requirements

When it comes to selling products on online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, the quality of your product images can make a big difference in your success. Not only do high-quality product images make your listings more attractive to potential buyers, they can also help your products rank higher in search results. However, each platform has specific photo requirements that sellers must follow to ensure their listings meet their standards.

Amazon Photo Requirements
Amazon has strict photo requirements for sellers. Product images must be in JPEG or TIFF format and at least 1000 pixels on the longest side, with a resolution of at least 72 DPI. The background of the image must be pure white, with no additional text, graphics, or watermarks. Additionally, the product must fill at least 85% of the image frame and be in sharp focus with realistic color representation.

In addition to the main image, Amazon allows sellers to include up to 9 additional images, including lifestyle images and infographics. Lifestyle images show the product in use or in context, while infographics provide additional product information or comparison charts.

Ebay Photo Requirements
Ebay has slightly different photo requirements for sellers. Product images must also be in JPEG or TIFF format and at least 500 pixels on the longest side, with a resolution of at least 72 DPI. The background of the image must be clean and simple, without any additional text or graphics. Additionally, the product must be in focus with realistic color representation.
Ebay allows sellers to include up to 12 images per listing, including images of the product from different angles and in use. However, eBay does not allow sellers to include lifestyle images or infographics.
Tips for Product Photography
To ensure your product photos meet Amazon and eBay’s requirements and stand out to potential buyers, consider these tips:
β€’ Use a tripod: A stable camera will help ensure your images are in focus and sharp.
β€’ Use natural lighting: Natural lighting can help make your product colors look more accurate and appealing.
β€’ Use a white or neutral background: A clean, white background can help your product stand out and meet the requirements of both platforms.
β€’ Show the product from multiple angles: Including images of the product from different angles can help buyers better understand the product and its features.

β€’ Edit your photos: Using photo editing software can help you adjust lighting, color, and other elements to ensure your images look their best.
In conclusion, adhering to Amazon and eBay’s photo requirements is crucial for success as an online seller. By following these guidelines and considering photography best practices, you can ensure your product images are high-quality and effective at attracting potential buyers.

How to set up for Amazon or Ebay Product Photography
Setting up your studio lighting properly is essential for achieving high-quality Amazon product photography.

β€’ First, choose a suitable background and position your product at the center of your shooting area.

β€’ Then, set up your lighting equipment, which typically includes two or three softbox lights and a reflector.

β€’ Place your main light at a 45-degree angle to the product and your fill light on the opposite side.

β€’ Your reflector should be placed on the side opposite to the main light to fill in any shadows.

β€’ Use a light meter or trial and error to adjust the brightness and position of your lights until you achieve a well-lit and balanced image.

β€’ With the right lighting setup, your Amazon product photos will stand out and attract potential customers.
Check our Product Photo Editing services here:

The Retoucher Studio

Using Format